Crimes in DHA: There is so much to be done with regards to putting an end to crimes (mobile and car-snatching) in DHA (Defence Housing Authority) in general and in entire Karachi in particular.
From Social media of Pakistan:
"Can a least representative explain what have the randomly posted police in defence has accomplished thus far in regards to stopping or preventing crime ? Do you have any figures to share with public of what exactly are your people doing by stopping cars for checks on bahria , Shahbaz and muhaffiz (few of the known posting areas) . My accusations = Since the senior representatives know exactly what they do here they hush it up because there are too many dogs in the lower ranks to feed so they let them loose on the roads in order to loot general public , harass them , and exclusively stop those who might be suspicious looking or law breakers (alcohol drugs tints etc ) not exactly to catch them but let them off hook through the system of bribes.
I hope there is some sense in the residents to question what good is it by having the police posted at random places , the lea should provide statistics to show cause."
From Social media of Pakistan:
"Can a least representative explain what have the randomly posted police in defence has accomplished thus far in regards to stopping or preventing crime ? Do you have any figures to share with public of what exactly are your people doing by stopping cars for checks on bahria , Shahbaz and muhaffiz (few of the known posting areas) . My accusations = Since the senior representatives know exactly what they do here they hush it up because there are too many dogs in the lower ranks to feed so they let them loose on the roads in order to loot general public , harass them , and exclusively stop those who might be suspicious looking or law breakers (alcohol drugs tints etc ) not exactly to catch them but let them off hook through the system of bribes.
What exactly are the police doing then ? How do I feel more secured by this menace who stops cars with families to throw their torch only to let them go and if includes only men will desperately search them in hopes to find anything to validate their routine Haram khori.