Karachi DHA updates: Somebody posted this on social media. The video appears to a show PMT engulfed in fire at DHA Seher Commercial. This should have been brought to the attention of DHA Vigilance Team as they certainly would have reached the location and done something about it.
Instead of calling the DHA vigilance, the uploader kept making the video and shared on social media. This could have caused serious damage.
Saleh Zafir, a well-known advocate for PML N and Nawaz Sharif, did not surprise us after he heaped praise on Imran Khan speech after of...
Children kidnapping has reached an alarming height but the sad fact of the reality is that government is not trying to do anything about. ...
Take a look at this ! Traffic police in Karachi is so energetic and responsible for their duties that they can't wait to serve people....